The Effect of Personal Income Tax on Income Distribution

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Siripron Sae-oueng
Amornrat Apinunmahakul


In general, personal income tax can significantly affect income distribution and, hence, be used as a mean to correct income disparity. Therefore, it is the objective of this study to analyze the effects of personal income tax on income distribution in Thailand: How tax deduction allowances, tax base and the change in the personal income tax rate affect income disparity. The study found that the distribution of income with personal income tax is more equal. With tax deduction allowances, the distribution of income would be worse. Expanding the tax base by requiring all persons who meet the criteria to pay the income tax would result in more income distribution. Inclusion of farmers into the personal income tax system would greatly improve the income distribution. Including everyone that meets the tax payment criteria into the system would improve the income distribution in Thailand as well. Finally, the study found that year 2015 had the worst income distribution compared to other years due to the decrease in the tax rates and the increasing items of tax deduction that were more favorable to the rich.

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Author Biographies

Siripron Sae-oueng

Graduate Student, Graduate School of Development Economics, National Institute of Development Administration, 118 Seri Thai Road, Klong-Chan, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240

Amornrat Apinunmahakul

Assistant Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Development Economics, National Institute of Development Administration, 118 Seri Thai Road, Klong-Chan, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240


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