Isan Pottery : Prehistoric wisdom passed down to the present


  • Kittisan Sriruksa Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Khon Kaen University Nai-muang subdistrict, Muang District, Khon Kaen, 40002, Thailand


Isan pottery , Wisdom


Article on Isan pottery : prehistoric wisdom passed down to the present. This is a study of wisdom in the traditional pottery production process of the communities in the Northeast. by collecting information in the document sector and data from field interviews with communities of Ban Wang Nuea, Wang Chai Subdistrict, Nam Phong District, Khon Kaen Province, that still produce pottery today. to analyze and explaining the wisdom process in pottery production including analyzing phenomena arising from the structure and functions of people in the community.

The results showed that traditional pottery manufacturing process consists of three main wisdom processes: 1) material preparation, 2) molding, and 3) firing. In addition, if the theory of structure and function according to the concept of Parsons (Talcott Parsons) is used to help explain the phenomenon that occurs in the community. It focused on five factors: 1) the relationship between the actors, 2) the goals, 3) the methods of discrimination, 4) the situations in which the doers had to choose a particular method, and 5) normative determinants.  five factors can be used as a guideline for building an understanding of the structural system and the division of duties in the local wisdom process, namely Community pottery production in the Northeast.


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How to Cite

Sriruksa, K. (2022). Isan Pottery : Prehistoric wisdom passed down to the present. Asian Journal of Traditional and Innovative Arts and Textiles, 1(1), 17–41. Retrieved from