Creation of “Pin Phu-Tai” from waste materials at Ban Kud Wa, Kud Wah Subdistrict, Kuchinarai District Kalasin Province


  • Noppaton Kulnasatian Kalasin University
  • Jiraprapa Wongsawat Kalasin University
  • Prapaporn Khamjunthuek Kalasin University


Pin Phu-tai , Creation , Waste materials


An article on the creation of a Pin Phu-Tai from waste materials in Ban Kud Wa community, Kud Wa sub-district, Kuchinarai district. Kalasin Province It is a mixed research. to study the status of Thai folk music scholars Structured questionnaire type research tools were used. Determine the target group of knowledgeable people, 1 person and 2 people involved, obtained by choosing a specific and the peasant sage was obtained by snowballing and study the creation of Pin Phu-taifrom waste materials using participatory observation research tools and in-depth interviews. Determine the target group of knowledgeable people, 1 person, 1 practitioner, obtained by selective selection. and assessment tools using estimators Determine the target group as those involved in making Thai harp and compare the sound of 3 Thai harpists, obtained by specific selection.

The results of the research revealed that the status of the village philosopher In terms of the history, the village sages playing the harp were 100% male and ethnic Thai, and the respected village sages had an average age of 52.4 years or more. Started learning Thai music at the age of 14, the teachers were members of the community and In terms of musical expertise, Thai people find that the most skilled musical instrument is the harp, especially the Thai Lai Lam Phu. And in terms of transmitting Thai music, it was found that the sage continued to transmit Thai music to his students. As for the research results in creating Thai harp from waste materials. It was found that 5 harp were created with the same physical characteristics as follows: the harp neck, the harp head and the harp harp made of padauk wood. Harp knobs use guitar knobs. Fret harp made of bamboo harp strings using guitar strings The difference in physical characteristics is the part of the harp. The harp is made from a square shaped zinc tin. Square shape thinner cans round tin can A round shaped galvanized can with a wooden panel covering the back of the can. and made of bamboo with a cylindrical shape An expert assessment showed that the five creative harps from waste materials had an average value of 4.123 and an SD value of 0.464. So It shows that the creation of a harp from waste material has a high valuation that can be used for playing and can be passed on to children and youth.


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2022-02-25 — Updated on 2022-02-25

How to Cite

Kulnasatian, N. ., Wongsawat, . J. ., & Khamjunthuek, . P. . (2022). Creation of “Pin Phu-Tai” from waste materials at Ban Kud Wa, Kud Wah Subdistrict, Kuchinarai District Kalasin Province. Asian Journal of Traditional and Innovative Arts and Textiles, 1(1), 1–16. Retrieved from