Creation of digital painting reflecting the traditional Chinese New Year in Buriram.


  • Prachatip Makmool Digital Art, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Buriram Rajabhat University
  • Honghathai Locharoenwanit Digital Art, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Buriram Rajabhat University


Creation, Digital paintings , Traditions, Chinese new year


The article titled ‘Creation of digital painting reflecting the traditional Chinese New Year in Buriram Province’ based on the creative research in which the key objective was to create digital paintings inspired by the traditional Chinese New Year in Buriram Province.  The methodology primarily carried out by collecting information related to Chinese New Year traditions followed by creation of digital paintings in Adobe Photoshop CS6 works. The digital paintings finalized by experts’ assessment and analyzed the aspiration of creations.

The result of the research revealed in the creation of digital paintings reflecting the Chinese New Year tradition in Buriram presenting in 5 images, size 60x80 centimeters. In the committee’s assessment, the highlight of creation is interesting, colorful and unique. The digital paintings achieved the aspiration to enrich Thais to comprehend Chinese New Year tradition in refreshing views. The digital paintings as well enable the traditional concepts to reach and encouraged Thai youths to learn and understand traditional stories. The points needed to be developed are the overall detail of the images and the anatomy structure of the portrait. Next creation could be included more background and history studies and considered various Thai traditions presenting in digital creation as gorgeous, appealing  paintings with artistic value introduced into contemporary Thai society.


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How to Cite

Makmool, P., & Locharoenwanit, H. . . (2022). Creation of digital painting reflecting the traditional Chinese New Year in Buriram.: . Asian Journal of Traditional and Innovative Arts and Textiles, 1(1), 42–54. Retrieved from