Forms and aesthetic values in mural paintings at Wat Sanuan Wari Phattanaram, Hua Nong village, Hua Nong sub-district, Ban Phai district, Khon Kaen province


  • Kittisan Sriruksa Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Khon Kaen University, Thailand


Mural paintings , Forms , Aesthetic values , Relativism


This article aims to classify forms and analyze their aesthetic values in mural paintings at Wat Sanuan Wari Phattanaram  , Hua Nong village, Hua Nong sub-district, Ban Phai district, Khon Kaen province. The data was compiled to be analytically described through field surveys and non-structured interviews. Methods for collecting data for descriptive analysis were qualitative research tools such as field surveys and unstructured interview.Data obtained from field surveys are used to classify the main formsinto groups. Analyze the aesthetics that appear on the formsof mural paintings. The results of the analysis revealed mural paintings appears on four walls both inside and outside. There are 4 main forms which are human forms, animal forms, natural forms and architectural forms. In terms of aesthetics, it was found that Mural Paintings has 2 characteristics of aesthetic value: forms value and story value If analyzing aesthetics according to aesthetic guidelines, it will be found that mural paintingsis a relativistic beauty that arises from the combination of subjective and subjective concepts. It is in the middle between the perfect beauty of the visual aesthetic qualities and aesthetic feelings of the perceiver.     


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How to Cite

Sriruksa, K. (2023). Forms and aesthetic values in mural paintings at Wat Sanuan Wari Phattanaram, Hua Nong village, Hua Nong sub-district, Ban Phai district, Khon Kaen province. Asian Journal of Traditional and Innovative Arts and Textiles, 2(1), 1–17. Retrieved from



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