Mueang Pheng Ancient Community and Phra That Nang Phen in Phen District, Udon Thani Province


  • Teerawatt Sankom Independent Scholar



Mueang Pheng Ancient Community, Phra That Nang Phen, History, Art, Belief


This article is aimed to study the story of the ancient community of Muang Peng and to study the history of art and Beliefs related to Phra That Nang Phen, Wat Koh Kaew, Phen District, Udon Thani Province. The study found that Muang Peng is an ancient community in the Phen River basin, Phen District, Udon Thani Province. It is assumed that Muang Peng is a small town in Lan Xang culture. There is the center of the community in the area of ​​Ban Phen and Wat Koh Kaew, where Phra That Nang Phen is enshrined, a pagoda in the shape of a spire in the twelve wooden recesses in the Lao art style. It does not show the exact history of creation. The age is around from the 24th - 25th Buddhist century. It is highly faithful holy relic among Buddhists . The villagers believe that Phra That Nang Phen is related to the history of Muang Peng. Nang Phen is oral history faithfully told as a folk tale through generations to explain the background of Muang Peng and Phra That Nang Phen.


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How to Cite

Sankom, T. . (2023). Mueang Pheng Ancient Community and Phra That Nang Phen in Phen District, Udon Thani Province. Asian Journal of Traditional and Innovative Arts and Textiles, 2(2), 69–84.



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