Muslim Community Empowerment Promoting according to Sufficiency Cultural Tourism Management in la-ngu District Satol Province


  • อรพิน ปิยะสกุลเกียรติ
  • สุวรรณา เขียวภักดี
  • วรรณนภา วามานนท์
  • กันตพัฒน์ พรศิริวัชรสิน
  • ทิพนาถ ชารีรักษ์ -


Muslim Community Power, local government, Subtainable coutural tourism


This research aims to study the context. Community empowerment process and presenting guidelines for community empowerment in sustainable Muslim community cultural tourism management of local administrative organizations in La-ngu district. Satun Province. By using document research methods survey research from a sample of 383 households. The data from the questionnaire was then used for an in-depth interview and observation Then, participatory operations were performed. (Participation Action Research: PAR) is a workshop for the Future Search Conference (FSC) from the village forum to discuss the exchange of information between the researcher and the villagers and representatives in relevant sectors to focus on the analysis. Determination of the future sustainable management of arts and cultural tourism in the Muslim community in Satun Province and discussion. The results showed that Community Empowerment Approach to Sustainable Cultural Tourism Management of Muslim Community Community empowerment in sustainable Muslim community cultural tourism management from the resources available in the local wisdom community local traditions and culture and local attractions can be divided into 7 issues as follows: 1. Setting up a mechanism for cultural tourism management by Muslim communities 2. Establishing a sustainable tourism management system 3. Promoting the development of the quality of life and the sustainable economy of the community 4. Promoting sustainable culture of Muslim communities 5. Promotion of cultural tourism in Muslim communities must contribute to environmental conservation together with the community. 6. Building a learning community 7. Good and safe service in terms of accommodation, vehicles, local interpreters, homeowners, and good coordination among community groups to provide services.



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