Heet Sip Song occupies the fourteenth in the Lao Buddhist way of education.

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Phra Udomsak Panyawaro (Kaewphanthawong)


                Man knows education evolution of knowledge And learning for a long time can be said that there has been a stone age. or since the first era of history only at that time Learning is the transfer of knowledge from those who know the subject directly. an educational system that transfers knowledge to each other in a systematic way Just not inscribed in official characters like today's schools did not have it in the past. be born later Currently, there are many in Thailand and other countries in the world. In this article, the author wishes to link the way of life. and language culture in the case of education History and background of the study of Thai monks and this region For this reason, the author thinks that it will be more or less useful for readers who want to study this subject. In addition, the work of an article that can be written well must rely on all the knowledgeable people to help as eyes and eyes as a model, while at the same time I do not dare. to intervene, masters, sages, and wise men But if teachers, sages, and all those who know read it, What is still lacking, inaccurate, inappropriate, inappropriate in any way? please advise and complete what is missing would be very grateful

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How to Cite
(Kaewphanthawong), P. U. P. . (2019). Heet Sip Song occupies the fourteenth in the Lao Buddhist way of education. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 2(1), 34–44. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bmrj/article/view/251377
Academic Article


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