Political Science in Buddhist Approach

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Akkharadet Neelayothin


                In the 21st century, the social context is made up of groups of individuals who are highly subjective. as well as different beliefs, habits, perspectives, lifestyles, and cultures Including the use of technology that is constantly evolving. come together within the society in the same area Therefore, it is necessary to have an administration to find a form of governance. and laws that are modern and appropriate to use in society, including morality and ethics for that society live in peace no exploit There is justice and life goes well. have harmony, know love, unity Be a good citizen of society If the city or society no proper governance or have poor control or if a society has a variety of ideas, cultures, and religions used It will cause the society to be chaotic. conflict insecure break up not moral which will cause a conflict of interest Your opinion follows. endlessly Therefore, in the 21st century society, laws must be updated all the time. to be consistent with the progress that is progressing all the time

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How to Cite
Neelayothin, A. . (2019). Political Science in Buddhist Approach. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 2(2), 20–32. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bmrj/article/view/251395
Academic Article


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