Special characteristic of Buddhist delegates in Buddhism

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Phramaha Wirut Wirojano


The preaching is an important and effective way to spread out the Dhamma and propagate Buddhism since the Buddha period. Besides the content of the doctrines and techniques which present to the listeners that make them being eager to know. The preachers themselves must also have a special feature that will generate the faith in the ethics that become fromthe role model of the Lord Buddha's conduct. In order that the                      listeners will have good feeling and intend to follow those teachings for their own life by develops mind and intellect to the end of suffering. So, the Buddha gave these principles and techniques for the preacher to use in Dhamma teaching such as Uparimadisa (Dhamma of the upper direction), Kalyanamitta dhamma (Qualities of good friend), Dhammadesaka Dhamma (Qualities of preachers), Desanavidhi (the Buddha style of teaching), Vuddhi Dhamma (Noble growth), Bahhussutanga (Qualities of learned person) and Preacher's ethics. By these principles, in addition to the faith, it's also convinced the listeners to pay attention and appreciate to the doctrine because of the ethics features of the preacher, have an encouragement in dhamma practice and acknowledge in goodness of the Buddhist doctrines. Achieving the goal of dhamma disseminate, the Buddhism essencial of making good persons. Therefore, the preachers who have special features mentioned above will success in Dhamma propagation for the ideology of inherited and preserved the Buddhism forever.

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How to Cite
Wirojano, P. W. . (2019). Special characteristic of Buddhist delegates in Buddhism. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 2(2), 33–42. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bmrj/article/view/251396
Academic Article


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