Roles of community developers in Isan local communities according of Phrommawihan 4

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Miss Chatsuda Chaichom


                 This article discusses the role of community developers in Isaan local communities. Which community developers It is considered the main role in community development work, has roles, duties and responsibilities in community development. Improve people's quality of life Under the philosophy and method of community development aimed at enhancing the learning process and public participation. Throughout the years Community development work has adjusted the working process to be in line with the changing circumstances of the society. And appropriate development methods to develop people In physical and mental aspects, intelligence is knowledgeable. And career skills and community participation in community development for strength and sustainability.
                The 4 Brahma Viharas are the principles of mindfulness that enable people to act in a noble way for themselves and others, consisting of 1) Mercy, which is the desire for others to be happy, 2) Kindness, which is the desire for others to be free from suffering, 3) Mudita, which is the joy. when others are good, and 4) equanimity is knowing how to be indifferent, to be neutral.

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How to Cite
Miss Chatsuda Chaichom. (2021). Roles of community developers in Isan local communities according of Phrommawihan 4 . Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 4(1), 28–40. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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