Local Leadership according to Buddhism and Conflict Resolution Using Brahma Vihara 4

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Rector Somchan chinnagamo



          The status of a leader according to Buddhist principles to be able to manage conflicts in Thai society well must be one who has the ability to apply the principles of Dharma in self-government, governing people, and governing work with the necessary principles. must be used in the management of that organization by the principle of creating unity and reconciliation in society, which is the principle of working together in the organization and coexist in society Leadership according to Buddhism must have three important characteristics: 1) external characteristics, which are graceful venerable All the time, there is strength and strength. Good health and perseverance. 2) Internal qualities are knowledge and wide vision. having expertise in the job having good human relations; 3) being different from other people This difference will make subordinates to be respectful. have confidence have sincere obedience The way to be a good leader should include principles or morals in Buddhism that can be applied to leadership. In Thailand there are many conflicts within society. Due to many factors that affect the conflict is increasing. In particular, the ever-increasing conflict comes from humans. human beings, which is an important factor in causing conflicts within society Dharma principles that can dissolve conflicts and create unity of people in society are principles for ruling people, namely Brahmawihan Dharma. should be used as a guideline for resolving conflicts because of the principle of Brahmawihan The content covers both physical, verbal and mental actions, leading to resolution of conflicts that occur in today's society.

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How to Cite
Rector Somchan chinnagamo. (2022). Local Leadership according to Buddhism and Conflict Resolution Using Brahma Vihara 4. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 5(1), 12–23. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bmrj/article/view/253749
Academic Article



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