The basic virtues of human beings

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Phra Suwat Saisuwan


Morality as the basis of humanitarianism It is a practice in daily life to be a complete human being "humanitarian" (dharma that makes people human) because those who are virtuous will be a quality person who can raise life to another level from ordinary people who are still Most of his life was influenced by his instincts. As for those who are virtuous, they will step into being a human being who is ready to become a partner of a civilized society who can lead both their own lives, others ' and the society as a whole to a broad and supportive peace. non-interference with each other Virtue is the foundation of goodness which is the basis of human beings. It is a guideline for behavior and expression as the location of the intention. to produce good results for others by being a good person with virtue Honesty, think good, speak good, do good, think straight, speak straight, act directly both in front of and behind your back. Do not waver in words and deeds. including having mercy to help those who are in need Most importantly, they must not oppress others, do not cheat, do not abuse weaker people or women, do not corruption. and do not do dishonesty" "morality is humanity" that all human beings must lead Intelligence comes to control behaviors, both physically, verbally and mentally, to be within the framework. This will bring peace and tranquility in society both now and in the future.

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How to Cite
Phra Suwat Saisuwan. (2022). The basic virtues of human beings. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 5(2), 17–31. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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