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Chaowarin Deechaiy


The effectiveness of the application of innovative media in teaching and learning is to achieve the goal of educating. using modern innovations relies on the ability of the teacher Learners have developed to prepare a place, media, and equipment for teaching and learning to be ready and sufficient for all students in the room. Teachers and students interact together in the form of Massive open Online Courses (MOOC) or teaching in the form of Modular Object-oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle). in the form of Word Excel files, etc. Efficient use of time good teaching and learning depends on the effective use of time in carrying out activities. It consists of having the content of teaching materials. Construction and characteristics of teaching media; quality of teaching media; and the use of teaching materials for effective teaching and learning management for appropriateness. Possibilities can be used to solve problems or to improve teaching and learning. As well as the value of the use in teaching and learning to achieve the goals, use modern innovations Learners can develop themselves according to new innovative media. In the classroom or outside the classroom.

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How to Cite
Deechaiy, C. (2023). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING INNOVATIVE MEDIA. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 6(1), 21–34. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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