Adaptation and propagation of Buddhism by monks in the digital age society Adaptation, Propagation of Buddhism, monks, digital society

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Phrawuttikrai Malaikhwan



          This academic article aims to explain the adaptation and propagation of Buddhism by monks in the digital age society. Monks must adapt in spreading Buddhism. The monks must study and pay attention to modern technology media in propagating Dharma principles and teachings through various forms of online communication such as Youtube, Zoom, Website, Facebook Line, etc. But propagating Buddhism in society in the digital age is difficult. Monks must not abandon the original principles, namely the principles of benefit. both current benefits Future benefits and the highest benefit is nirvana, but the form of Buddhism propagation must be consciously adjusted to suit the modern era. Including taking into account the limitations of the monk's status and image. This is because the use of these communication technologies has both constructive and damaging parts of Buddhism. If used without considering the Dhamma and Vinaya, it may be noted by Buddhists as inappropriate and cause a loss of faith. This can be seen in the news about monks who behave inappropriately according to the Dharma and Discipline in using social media in an inappropriate way to the point of causing a loss of faith in those who see it. Therefore, monks should use social media to disseminate the principles of the Buddha's teachings judiciously. For the prosperity and preservation of Buddhism to continue

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How to Cite
Malaikhwan, P. (2024). Adaptation and propagation of Buddhism by monks in the digital age society: Adaptation, Propagation of Buddhism, monks, digital society. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 7(1), 33–45. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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