The Necessity for Basic Education School Management Ek Suksa Khon Kaen School

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Ekkarach Kositpimanvach


The objectives of this research were 1) to study necessity for Basic Education Management of Ek Suksa Khon Kaen school, 2) to compare necessith. By gender, age, income and level of education the total population was 340, with simple random sampling of 181. A quantitative research the instrument used was the 5-level rating scale questionnaire with the overall IOC of 0.84. The questionnaire was tried out with a validity of 0.96. Data analysis was done by computer processing program by means of frequency, percentage, standard deviation (S.D.). The statistics used were T-test (independent) and F-test (One way ANOVA), PNImodified.
The research finding were as follows:
1. The necessity for Ek Suksa Khon Kaen school management, in all, was at moderate level. The need for development could be prioritized as follows ware teaching and learning activities management, management of environments conducive to learning, learning development evaluation, relationships with parents of school personnel, and students service, respectively.
2. The comparison of necessity for Ek Suksa Khon Kaen school in relation to sex or gender, by overall and in each individual aspect, was different with no statistical significance. With regard to age groups, the parents with different age groups expressed needs differently with no statistical significance. When considering parents of different income, their needs for Ek Suksa Khon Kaen school were, in all, different with statistical significance of .05, except the learning evaluation and teaching-learning activity management which were different with no statistical significance. As for parents with different levels of education, their needs for Ek Suksa Khon Kaen school management were different with statistical significance of .05, with the exception of relationships of school personnel with parents that showed the difference with no significance.

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How to Cite
Kositpimanvach, E. . (2021). The Necessity for Basic Education School Management Ek Suksa Khon Kaen School. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(2), 41–50. Retrieved from
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