The Analysis Results of the Preservation of Arts and Culture in Accordance with the Educational Quality Assurance Criteria for Examining the forms of Preservation of Arts and Culture of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Khon Kaen Campus

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Rudee Saengdeunchay


Academic article on the analysis results of the preservation of arts and culture in accordance with the educational quality assurance criteria for examining the forms of preservation of arts and culture of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya university, Khon Kaen campus. There is a form of preservation of arts and culture that has a development plan for the preservation of arts and culture in order to be in line with the master plan of higher education institutions in policy, philosophy, vision, mission, and operational aspects of higher education institutions. According to the performance report of the internal quality assurance indicators of excellent practices in the maintenance of arts and culture the fourth element in the preservation of arts and culture Indicator 4.1 system for preserving art and culture in the process of developing plans according to the standard criteria of the office of the higher education commission, namely 1) to determine who is responsible for the preservation of arts and culture. 2) Create a plan for the preservation of arts and culture and set indicators for success according to the objectives of the plan as well as allocating budgets to enable the implementation of the plan. 3) Supervise and monitor the implementation of the plan for the preservation of arts and culture. 4) Assess the success of the indicators that measure success according to the objectives of the plan for the preservation of arts and culture. 5) Adopt the evaluation results to improve the plan or activities for the preservation of arts and culture. 6) Publicize activities or services for the preservation of arts and culture to the public. 7) Establish standards for art and culture which are accepted at the national level.
In addition, plans for the development of professors and educational personnel have been developed to provide knowledge and skills in the maintenance of arts and culture. The results of the examination of the form of cultural and cultural preservation the greatest possibility and the most useful there are principles for organizing courses in order to produce graduates with moral knowledge, affecting development and preservation of arts and culture. Therefore, there should be a study and research in order to develop a form of arts and culture preservation, create knowledge and organize academic service activities for different communities or agencies. including the preservation of arts and culture that affect cultural development both at the policy level and the operational level of higher education institutions.

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How to Cite
Saengdeunchay, R. (2020). The Analysis Results of the Preservation of Arts and Culture in Accordance with the Educational Quality Assurance Criteria for Examining the forms of Preservation of Arts and Culture of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Khon Kaen Campus. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 20(1), 197–208. Retrieved from
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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