The Effective of Buddhist Administration of Agricultural Community Learning Center

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Suphattharachai Sisabai
Boonton Dockthaisong


The purpose of this research are: 1) to study the administration of agricultural community learning center which is a best practice, 2) to study the factors affecting the effective of Buddhist administration of agricultural community learning center by using qualitative research methods. Data were collected through in-depth interviews. Experts in managing successful agricultural community learning centers. And experts in Buddhist administration. Data analysis to integrate the principles with the administration of the agricultural community learning center.
The research result finds that: Effectiveness of Buddhist methods of managing a good practice agricultural community learning center to be able to achieve the goals that are set requires three key factors: participatory management. Success factor and Dharma for practice. the factors affecting the Effective of Buddhist administration of agricultural community learning center consisting of; 1) participative administration including participate in thinking, participate in decision making, participate in planning, participation in action, participation in monitoring and evaluation and participation in receiving benefits, 2) success factors are knowledge, skill/ ability, technology/ innovation, master farmer, budget and marketing, 3) Dhamma for practice, such as Iddhipàda 4 consists of aspiration (Chanda), effort (Viriya), thoughtfulness (Citta), investigation (Vãmamsà), and 4) the effective of Buddhist method administration of agricultural community learning center consists of non-stop development, team up to build networks, the existence is not compromised and acceptable in society.

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How to Cite
Sisabai, S. ., Phratheppariyattimethi, & Dockthaisong, B. . (2021). The Effective of Buddhist Administration of Agricultural Community Learning Center. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(1), 51–64. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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