The Analysis of Beauty of Charoenthongtham Temple’s Wooden Uposatha (Sim-mai) in Accordance with Idealistic Theories of the Donpor Village, Nongbuatai Sub-District, Sriboonruang District, Nongbualamphu Province

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Phra Monchai Thāvaro (Yangwaeng)
Jaras Leeka
Suwin Thongpan


The aims of this research were: 1) to study the beauty in the theories of idealism; 2) to study the history and background of the Charoenthongtham temple’s wooden uposatha (sim-mai), Donpo village, Buatai sub-district, Sriboonruang district, Nongbualamphu province; 3) to analyze the beauty of the Charoenthongtham temple’s wooden uposatha in accordance with the theories of idealism. This study was conducted based on the qualitative research methodology. The data were presented by the descriptive analysis according to the inductive reasoning method.
The research results were as follows:
1. Theory of beauty in the view of idealism is viewed that the beauty occurs in the mind that human being makes judgement of it. In idealism, the aesthetic mood is divided into 6 items: 1) beauty; 2) the strangeness; 3) impressiveness; 4) satisfaction; 5) faith; 6) pleasure.
2. Charoenthongtham temple’s wooden uposatha (sim-mai) looks like a solid, built entirely from wood in 1946. It has architectural value of the northeastern folk artisan. The uposatha received registration from the Fine Arts Department on 20 August 2001.
3. The beauty of the wooden uposatha in accordance with the idealism viewpoint consists of six aspects: 1) it is a Buddhist art work that reflects the beauty in the mind; 2) the uposatha with a entirely built wooden structure with distinctions from the others; 3) it is built with Hopeaodoratawooden which is sacred wood according to the beliefs of the villagers; 4) it is a Buddhist art work that responds to the community; 5) it is built from the villagers' faith towards Buddhism; 6) beautiful giving a feeling of pleasure.

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How to Cite
(Yangwaeng), P. M. T. ., Leeka, J. . ., & Thongpan, S. . (2021). The Analysis of Beauty of Charoenthongtham Temple’s Wooden Uposatha (Sim-mai) in Accordance with Idealistic Theories of the Donpor Village, Nongbuatai Sub-District, Sriboonruang District, Nongbualamphu Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(1), 1–14. Retrieved from
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