A Change in the Meaning of Pali Loan Words that appear in Thai

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Phramaha Pitsanu Sannametho
Phra Srisitthimuni
Veerakarn Kanokkamales


This research aims to study: 1) to study the change theory of Pali loan words that appear in Thai and 2) to analyze the meaning change of the Pali loanwords that appears in Thai. The sample of Pali loan words used in Thai by simple sampling in 50 words that appears in Thai textbooks and in everyday life.
The results showed that: A study on changing the meaning of Pali loan words appearing in the Thai language have found that all the Pali words found are words that Thai people have been using for many years, which sometimes may be understood as Thai own language. But if the students have studied the rules and have learned to analyze the vocabulary, it will make the students more easily understand and be able to know which words are real Thai or which words are borrowings or even adapt Pali words to match the Thai language. In terms of the vocabulary that the researcher has studied, it is found that there is both a constant, narrow, broad, and displaced meaning that is the nature of the borrowings that are often changing with the system of borrowed languages for convenient pronunciation and for the benefit of using a variety of languages, which reflects the linguistic wisdom of those who bring words to communicate well with Thai.

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How to Cite
Sannametho, P. P. ., Phra Srisitthimuni, & Kanokkamales, V. . (2021). A Change in the Meaning of Pali Loan Words that appear in Thai. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(1), 171–180. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/240875
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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