Crisis Organization Management Case Study: COVID-19 Viral Infection

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Chattawat Shatnataphat


This article is intended to manage the organization by using the coronary epidemic disease epidemic 2019 or COVID-19 viral disease as a case study. With the analysis results that is one type that must be managed in order to not cause the impact to occur in each area urgently, appropriately and efficiently, because the spread of COVID-19 is a condition that the organization experienced unexpected events before, or may be a danger to organizations and interested parties Is a factor outside the organization difficult to control and manage resulting in the operation might be disrupted financial problems and affect the employees of the organization become a national economic problem penetration is a global economic problem.Good management methods cause economic pressure or find it difficult to resolve or feel some relief.

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How to Cite
Shatnataphat, C. . (2020). Crisis Organization Management Case Study: COVID-19 Viral Infection. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 20(4), 197–208. Retrieved from
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