The Emotion Resolution applying Buddhist Principles of Graduates Students

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Phramaha Prasong Kittiyano (Promsri)


The objectives of the research were as follows: 1) to synthesis the emotion resolution in Theravada Buddhism, 2) to study emotion resolution of graduate students enrolled in Faculty of Buddhism and Philosophy, Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, and 3) to form emotion resolution guidelines of graduate students. The research was in Qualitative research carried out by studying documents as a primary source and interviewing 18 persons as a secondary source. The collected data were categorized, analyzed, and synthesized systematically and presented in descriptive form.
The results of the research were as follows:
1. There are both bad and good emotions. If we cannot overcome the bad-temper, it will cause problem: suffering.Declining from good deeds and accumulate suffering led the way to the death of the goodnessand people may be careless infatuation. Once person is able to eliminate bad-temper, good results will emerge: loved, respected, and admired by others. It can prevent bad deeds and create happiness.
2. The emotion resolution in Theravada Buddhism means to focus on life by avoiding, overcoming, detaching bad-temper, and following 4 principles of mindfulness.
3. The problems of graduate students; most of them did not study and practice dhamma, were selflessness, engaged in bad environment, not having good friends, and no discipline. The ways to solve were; be conscious, practice meditation, have good friends, and do good deeds.

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How to Cite
(Promsri), P. P. K. . (2021). The Emotion Resolution applying Buddhist Principles of Graduates Students. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(1), 119–132. Retrieved from
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