The Learning Behavior of Civil Duties, Culture and Social Life in Accordance with the Four Iddhipāda Dhamma in New Normal Era of the Lower Secondary School Students of Schools under the Nong Khai Municipality

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Phra Taxi Ãditto (Keokalong)
Somkhuan Namseethan
Prayoon Saengsai


The objectives of this research were: to study the condition, compare and propose solutions to problems of learning behaviors on civil duties, culture and social life according to the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas (Paths of Accomplishment) in the new normal era of lower secondary school students in schools under the Nong Khai Municipality. The study was carried out by means of a mixed method research: quantitative and qualitative.
The samples consisted of 300 lower secondary school students. The target group was 6 administrators and teachers. The research instruments were questionnaires and interviews. Statistics used in data analysis were: Frequency, Percentage and Standard Deviation. The hypothesis was tested by using t-test, f-test and open-ended interview form. The obtained data were analyzed by the descriptive analysis.
The research results were as follows:
1. The learning behaviors on civil duties, culture and social life according to the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas in the new normal era of lower secondary school students in schools under the Nong Khai Municipality in overall were rated at a high level and all the studied aspects were rated at a high level of practice as well, ranked from 1) energy, 2) investigation, 3) thoughtfulness and 4) aspiration respectively.
2. The comparative results of the learning behaviors on civil duties, culture and social life according to the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas in the new normal era of lower secondary school students in schools under the Nong Khai Municipality, classified by GPA and parental occupations in overall and studied aspects showed indifference of practice with the statistical significance level of 0.05. This is inconsistent with the set hypothesis.
3. The solutions to problems of learning behaviors on civil duties, culture and social life according to the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas in the new normal era of lower secondary school students in schools under the Nong Khai Municipality are that: 1) Aspiration: the learning management focusing on making the students to be aspired in learning should be created; 2) Energy: the learning management in a variety of methods should be made to motivate the students to learn; 3) Thoughtfulness: the learning management focusing on teaching the students to have analytical, creative, logical and systematic thought; 4) Investigation: the learning management focusing on making the students to be able to solve logically should be organized.

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How to Cite
Ãditto (Keokalong), P. T. ., Namseethan , S. ., & Saengsai, P. . (2021). The Learning Behavior of Civil Duties, Culture and Social Life in Accordance with the Four Iddhipāda Dhamma in New Normal Era of the Lower Secondary School Students of Schools under the Nong Khai Municipality. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(3), 187–198. Retrieved from
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