Model Rope products Integration Buddhism with Modern Science Development of the righteous to International level by local wisdom in Nakhonratchasima province

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Manusphon Yungtalay
Phrabaideeka Hassadee Praking
Phrakhru Puttharajitthapron
Phrakhru Akarasilawisut (Kraicharas)
Benyapa Jitmunkongpakdee


This research Objectives: 1) to study activities and production processes from rope in Nakhonratchasima Province, 2) to study the development of handicrafts from rope and Buddhist Integrative in promoting the livelihoods of local wisdom in Nakhonratchasima Province, 3) to study the patterns of the creation of Buddhist Integrative values, dharma in the development of livelihoods, handicrafts from the rope to the international level as well Local wisdom in cultural communities in Nakhonratchasima, mixed methods research, there were a total of 62 informant populations by means of interviews, discussion groups and conducting research.
The results revealed that:
1. Rope craft product process It was found that the use of handicraft products directly in daily life decreased. Has been adjusted to use other areas more. there is a development of form and size to be different from the original, suitable for the utility according to the changes of society, there is no physical place to sell the product, public relations product show lack of support from buyers in the community.
2. 3 approaches for the development of handicraft products from rope: 1) Training, learning, 2) Marketing channels, 3) Publishing such as via online media, organizing exhibitions, etc.
3. The model of integrating the principles of Buddhist Integrative is the principle of integrating the principles of Buddhist Integrative into the integration of the production process of handicrafts from rope, consisting of 3 aspects: 1) bringing the principle of Itthibada 4 to integrate the process of handicraft, rope production, 2) Bring the principles of 4 Sangahavathu to integrate with the development of handicrafts from rope, 3) bring the principle of life to integrate with the creation of values and promote the right livelihood as result of integrating the principles of Buddhist Integrative, the rope weaving handicraft group has a systematic work process, pattern, and moral-promoting goal, the ethics of both individual and product development are one that strives for international development.

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How to Cite
Yungtalay, M. ., Phrabaideeka Hassadee Praking, Phrakhru Puttharajitthapron, Phrakhru Akarasilawisut (Kraicharas), & Jitmunkongpakdee, B. . (2021). Model Rope products Integration Buddhism with Modern Science Development of the righteous to International level by local wisdom in Nakhonratchasima province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(4), 13–22. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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