An Integrated Approach for Poverty Alleviation: A Case of the Siew Partnerships Against Poverty Project in Khon Kaen

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Jantima Lhamkaek
Ajirapa Pienkhuntod


This aimed to study the poverty alleviation under the Siew Partnerships Against Poverty Project and examine the needs of the poor in Khon Kaen. This research is qualitative research. The researcher determines the issues in the discussion then organize group discussions with those directly involved in the project. The researcher study of documents and reports related to the project then analyzed with the thematic analysis strategy.
The research findings suggested that: poverty alleviation under the Siew Partnerships Against Poverty Project showed the integration of government agencies in Khon Kaen. These agencies worked according to the people-centered and sufficient economy principles. In the integrated process of poverty alleviation, they had 4 steps: 1. Identifying life goals, 2. Making a life compass, 3. Managing life, and 4. Taking care of life. These steps were driven by the Poverty Alleviation Committee of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy at the district level (Sor Chor Por Sor) in 26 districts in Khon Kaen. A main driving mechanism was that 1 government official was responsible for 1 or 2 poor households. The government official would be the main coordinator linking assistance from the private sector and educational institutions. Assistance must be matched with the needs of the poor households that might be for relief deprivation or empowerment of the poor and vulnerable by improving their work skills or providing resources and knowledge required for poverty reduction and an increase in income and well-being.

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How to Cite
Lhamkaek, J., & Pienkhuntod, A. . (2021). An Integrated Approach for Poverty Alleviation: A Case of the Siew Partnerships Against Poverty Project in Khon Kaen. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(2), 109–122. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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