A Study of Massive Open Online Courses (Moocs) Learning Strategies of Generation Y Workers in Bangkok

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Benyasikarn Kanjanathanaseth
Chaiyouth Chinokul


The objectives of this research were to study learning data through Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs) of Generation Y people in Bangkok and to study problems and obstacles of learning through Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs) of Generation Y people in Bangkok. The samples consisted of 335 Generation Y workers in Bangkok who were born between 1981 and 1999. They have acquired learning or training experience through service provider MOOCs in Thailand. This mixed methods survey research used both quantitative and qualitative research. Data were collected through 355 questionnaires. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, frequency, average and standard deviation. Subsequently, the information was obtained through interviews. This study was selected from 12 purposive sampling respondents. The data were then analyzed using content analyses and inductive analyses.
Results from the study indicated that:
1. Most samples had a specialized learning style for reading and writing. They often used computers to learn MOOCs from home. Most of them enrolled in a free course and took approximately 15-30 minutes of sessions. Language courses were popular for registration and obtaining a certificate of completion.
2. Access to technology systems, a lack of digital literacy, an unintuitive Learning Management System design, and a curriculum that is unsuitable for millennial behavior were the primary barriers to learning through MOOCs.

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How to Cite
Kanjanathanaseth, B. ., & Chinokul, C. . (2021). A Study of Massive Open Online Courses (Moocs) Learning Strategies of Generation Y Workers in Bangkok. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(2), 1–12. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/248409
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