An Analysis of Administration of Phuphaman Sub-District Administrative Organization, Phuphaman District, Khon Kaen Province

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Chanakan Kulduang
Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo
Phra Soponphattanabundit


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhammas (Bases of Social Solidarity) in Buddhist scriptures; 2) to study the administration based on the Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhammas in Phu Pha Man Sub district Administrative Organization, Phu Pha Man District, Khon Kaen Province; 3) to analyze the administration based on the Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhammas in Phu Pha Man Sub district Administrative Organization. The study was carried out by means qualitative research with 25 person. The data collection was conducted from studying documents and in-depth interviews.
The results of the research were as follows:
1. The Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhammas in Buddhist scriptures includes Dāna (giving, sacrifice, generosity, sharing), Piyavācā (sweet, soft, beautiful, kindly speech), Atthacariyā (useful conduct) and Samānattatā (equality consisting in impartiality). These four virtues are a means of holding each other in the world.
2. The administration based on the Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhammas in Phu Pha Man Sub district Administrative Organization: the strength of management has been integrated with Dāna, the use of the principle of Piyavācā to solve the problem of lack of humility by speaking with beautiful words, the use of the principle of Atthacariyā to solve the problem of lack of self-sacrifice by helping for the benefit of others and the use of Samānattatā to solve problems of punctuality and conflict by being appropriate.
3. The analysis of the administration based on the Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhammas in Phu Pha Man Sub district Administrative Organization: The management of people, money, materials and general management are conducted based on the Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhammas. The management which will achieve the goals requires qualified personnel with sufficient quantity. There must be sufficient funds to support the operations and materials suitable for the needs of the plan and a good management system efficient to use limited resources for maximum benefit.

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How to Cite
Kulduang, C. ., Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo, & Phra Soponphattanabundit. (2021). An Analysis of Administration of Phuphaman Sub-District Administrative Organization, Phuphaman District, Khon Kaen Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(4), 115–128. Retrieved from
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