Developing Indicators of Learning Organization in Special Education School Northeast

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Vimonporn Suwanseantavee
Sangdown Kongnawung
Titirut Rungkaew


The Objectives of this research were: 1) to develop the indicators of Learning Organization (LO) in special education schools and 2) to test the congruence of the model which was constructed with the empirical data. It is a quantitative research. The research was conducted in two stages: Stage 1, development of the indicators of Learning Organization in special education schools by literature review, a focus group discussion by 7 experts and a synthesis of the indicators; Stage 2, test to confirm the indicators of LO in special education school which were purposively chosen. The research instruments were 5-level rating scale questionnaires with the overall reliability value of 0.93 and IOC of 0.86-1.00. A computer program was used to analyze the data.
The research found the following:
1. Indicators of Learning Organization in special education schools were developed, consisting of 5 main factors, 28 sub-factors and 133 indicators, consequential of principles, concepts and theories related to LO in special education schools.
2. In testing the congruence of the constructed confirmatory factors analysis of the LO indicators for special education schools with the empirical data, it was found to be congruence, with the following statistical values: Chi-Square = 287.40, df = 251, P-value = 0.05690, RMSEA = 0.015, An analysis of the model showing relationships among the main factors of LO, it was found on the whole that all 5 factors, i.c. organization, educational administration and management, creating learning society and technology, carried a load with statistically significant value = 0.50. On the whole the factor with the heaviest weight was the main factor of technology, followed next by the main factors of creating learning society, organization, educational administration and management and learning respectively. Special education schools can make use of all or parts of these indicators which are appropriate and congruent with their own LO in the planning, administering and evaluation so as to create LO character of their institutions.

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How to Cite
Suwanseantavee, V. ., Kongnawung, S. ., & Rungkaew, T. . (2021). Developing Indicators of Learning Organization in Special Education School Northeast. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(3), 101–114. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)
Author Biography

Vimonporn Suwanseantavee, Mahamakut Buddhist University, Roi-Et Campus, Thailand

Education Management


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