The Development of Enhancing Public Mind Characteristic Activities for Fourth Grade Students

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Pimchanok Hongho
Uraiwan Hanwong


The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop activities to enhance public mind characteristics for grade 4 students, 2) to compare public mind characteristics of grade 4 students between pre-implementation and post-implementation of public mind promoting activities. The samples used in this research were 15 grade 4 students who enrolled in the second semester of the academic year 2020 at Ban Pa Daeng School (Wan Rattawittaya), Mueang Phrae District, Phrae Province, The tools used for data collection were public mind promoting activities for elementary school students and two evaluation forms of public mind characteristics: a behavioral assessment form and situational measure. Results were analyzed using statistics including t-test for Dependent Sample, mean and percentage of growth.
The results was found:
1. The activities to enhance the public mind that the researcher developed consisted of 4 activities, were Activity 1: Dreaming Classroom, Activity 2: White School, Activity 3: Community Unity, and Activity 4 the Solving of Garbage Problems in Schools. All activities focused on 5 stages: 1 stage of perception, 2 stages of response, 3 stages of appreciation, 4 stages of organization, 5 stages of habitual behavior. The average of index of item objective congruence (IOC) is between 0.67 to 1.00.
2. The students in grade4 were organized activities with public mind attributes. After the activity was significantly higher than before the activity was statistically.

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How to Cite
Hongho, P. ., & Hanwong, U. . (2021). The Development of Enhancing Public Mind Characteristic Activities for Fourth Grade Students. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(4), 103–114. Retrieved from
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