Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Education Management by Highland Schools which is Consistent with Geo-culture: A Case Study of Highland School in Chiang Mai Province
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This research is to study upon the factors that affecting the effectiveness of the highland school management related to the geo-culture of Chiang Mai’s highland. The researchers employed the mixed-method research approach which the quantitative data was used for information clarification while the qualitative data was used to support. The population of this study were 171 highland schools’ administrators in Chiang Mai area, and were purposively selected as this study’s samples. The obtained data was analyzed using multiple regression technique to acquire the study results.
The study results suggested that: the effectiveness level of highland school management was in relevance to the geo-culture. Sorting from the highest to the lowest effectiveness level, these factors were considered as high including the consciousness in belonging to the local habitat ( = 4.08), the role in cultural preservation and continuation (
= 4.00), the self-dependency ability ( = 3.83), the career creation in the local area
( = 3.76), the role in local development (
= 3.76), the occupational skills (
= 3.71), and academic skills including the increasing O-Net scores (
= 3.44). The factors that highly affected the management of the highland schools in Chiang Mai were the management, economic condition, teaching staff quality, relationship with the local community, the appropriateness of the curriculum with the causal influence equals to 0.289, 0.271, 0.237, 0.130 and 0.135.
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