Free Democracy and Non-liberal Democracy

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Phrakhru Winaithorn Worrachat Thasa
Phramaha Thainoi Yanamethi (Salangsing)
Klomsri Sittisak


This academic article has purpose to study liberal democracy and non-liberal democracy using democratic liberal thinking base as a conceptual framework for analytical study. The results of study were found that firstly, the exercise of state power must be governed by constitutional law giving people the opportunity to express their political opinions criticism of the work of the government and the free movement of political demands in accordance with the principles of rights and liberties whereby the State does not enforce other power to act against its citizens according to the rule of law properly, Secondly, it was found that to use the powers of political leaders to enact laws to block rights and liberties by intervening within the democratic regime in order not to be too constitutional law, but for the people to follow the principles of democratic rights and liberties, to allow the process of political participation in the model of elections only, whereby the government uses absolute authoritarianism both inside and outside the laws to infringe upon the rights and freedoms of the people at all times.

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How to Cite
Phrakhru Winaithorn Worrachat Thasa, Yanamethi (Salangsing), P. T. ., & Sittisak , K. . (2022). Free Democracy and Non-liberal Democracy. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(1), 345–360. Retrieved from
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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