A Study of the Value Chain of Coffee Processes for the Strength and Quality of Life of Ban Rak Thai Community, Chomphu Sub-district, Noen Maprang District, Phitsanulok Province

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จุฑาธิป ประดิพัทธ์นฤมล
Kanitha Chaikeaw
Khongdet Phasinam
Jirasit Inthorn
Pakawadee Phugan
Passakorn Leevisitpattana


The objective of this research was to investigate 1) upstream activities including knowledge management and empowering farmers, managing to increase productivity and improve coffee bean quality, studying and designing coffee bean harvesters, 2) midstream activities including the development of dietary supplements and cosmetics from coffee bean shell extract, the development of bakery products from waste ingredients in the coffee production process, and 3) downstream activities including creating an identity from coffee beans to develop market potential. The research was divided into two parts: quantitative and qualitative research. Data collection was conducted through interviews from samples, data analysis through content analysis, and inductive analysis.
The major findings revealed as follows:
1. In terms of upstream activities, knowledge management empowered coffee growers to be effective, had steps to study problems and obstacles to find contributing factors to completion and contributes to the creation of local curriculum for Rak Thai Rom Klao Uppatham School, creating coffee growing skills learning for local youth. The results of the experiment using chitosan and scale fertilizer contributed to an increase in the yield of Robusta coffee beans, allowing for more consistent flowering, and studies have studied the machine being designed coffee bean harvester, convenient to move, small, lightweight, and convenient for mountain use.
2. In terms of midstream activities, the shell of coffee beans was extracted to obtain high phenolic and flavonoids to develop into hand care products.In addition, Took the coffee bean shell extract powder to develop into a drink, melted herbs, brewed hot.When processing coffee bean shell powder was used as a mixture of bakery products such as cookies, brownies, bread, cakes, pie cups, etc.
3. In terms of downstream activities, finding the identity of the coffee name, Doi Phao Thai Coffee, coffee taste was unique and good identity, and perceived the identity of the coffee through the media affected the decision to buy Doi Phao Thai Coffee bean products.

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ประดิพัทธ์นฤมล จ., Chaikeaw, K. ., Phasinam, K. ., Inthorn, J. ., Phugan, P. ., & Leevisitpattana, P. . (2022). A Study of the Value Chain of Coffee Processes for the Strength and Quality of Life of Ban Rak Thai Community, Chomphu Sub-district, Noen Maprang District, Phitsanulok Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(1), 15–28. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/250692
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