Development of Electronic Identification Cards and Reducing Redundancies in Modern Thai Government Relations

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Watthanachai Suebsiribut
Suebpong Suksom


The objectives of this research wereto study the problem analyze and Find a way to develop electronic identification cards. It is a descriptive study. By qualitative research method. By using an in-depth interview question form by selecting people with knowledge and understanding divided into 3 groups namely. Group 1 Executives or representatives of central agencies, 5 agencies, 5 persons. Group 2, executives or representatives from the provincial and local governments of Nakhon Ratchasima Province, 5 agencies, 10 persons, and Group 3 Stakeholders of the provincial and local governments in Nakhon Ratchasima Province by group chatting by means of a line group of 5 groups of 20 people. Includes a total of 35 key informants. The tools used for data collection were interview form, semi-structured form. and analyze the data by interpreting it, creating a conclusion.
The results showed that:
1. The problem of legal dimensions, economic dimension, and social dimensions Overall, every aspect of data storage technology is lagging and the cost of the card is high.
2. The analysis found that the main goal to bring A computer system is used to issue ID cards perfectly. The whole system changes the appearance of the card to be modern. and to improve the public service system.
3. Guidelines and recommendations by controlling the card issuance of each government agency Use magnetic strips to record cardholder data. and control card issuing code Produced by the whole computer system People who come to make a card can wait to receive the service immediately.

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How to Cite
Suebsiribut, W., & Suksom, S. . (2021). Development of Electronic Identification Cards and Reducing Redundancies in Modern Thai Government Relations. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(4), 143–154. Retrieved from
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