The Students’ Problem Posing Process in classroom by Using Lesson Study and Open Approach

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Suparat Karawa
Sampan Thinwiangthong


The purpose of study is to analyze the students’ problem posing process in classroom by using lesson study and open approach. It's qualitative research the target group was 10 sixth grade students, the second Semester of 2020 school years at Chongmaew Pittaya School, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The data collection was using lesson plans about the ratio, filed note. The collected data was analyzed by Inprasitha framework.
The study found that: a collaborative lesson plan design, the lesson study team designed the lesson plan, that predict from the students’ problem posing process, which related to situations by using the ratio that the students familiar in daily life, designed the semi concrete aids to represent for the ratio, and using mathematical symbols to represent for the ratio. 2) A collaborative teaching observation in Phase 1: Problem Posing was found the students are curious that show from observing, gesticulation, express one’s opinion, and curious to solution about the ratio. In addition, also was found the students are problem posing: Step 1 The representations of the real world: the students interested and observed in familiar situation about the ratio, Step 2 The semi concrete aids: the students used media and image to represent about the ratio in situation, by show from behavior or speech that tried to change the situation for more understanding about the ratio, and Step 3 The representations of mathematical world: the students transformed situation then show talking or writing behavior about mathematical symbol, that writing to represent about the ratio. Phase 2 Problem Solving: the student collaborated problem solving by talking about problem posing, then present idea in the classroom, and summarized idea about the ratio. 3) The collaborative lesson reflection teaching, the lesson study team reflected in problem posing process about the ratio, and improved the teaching to promote the students’ problem posing and solve problems about the ratio by yourself.

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How to Cite
Karawa, S. ., & Thinwiangthong, S. (2021). The Students’ Problem Posing Process in classroom by Using Lesson Study and Open Approach. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(4), 81–92. Retrieved from
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