An Analytical Study of applying Buddhist Principle for Reconciliation of Mediators in Khon Kaen Provincial Court

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Somsak Sreeyaphai
Prachan Chachikul
Phatrachai Uthaphun


This research has the objectives to study: 1) Buddhist principles in reconciliation in Theravada Buddhism, 2) the methods of reconciliation of reconciliatory in Khon Kaen provincial court, and 3) the application of Buddhist principles in reconciliation of reconciliatory in Khon Kaen provincial court. This is the qualitative research, and the researcher collected and studied form Tipitaka, commentary, texts, books, and related documents about reconciliation. The researcher interviewed reconciliatory, parties, layers in reconciliation center in Khon kaen provincial court including the Buddhist experts in reconciliation and analyzed the data by inductive methodology.
The results revealed that:
1. Buddhist principles in reconciliation in Theravada Buddhism emphasizes on the root cause of the conflict to find peace and resolve it together.
2. The reconciliation of reconciliatory in Khon Kaen provincial court does mainly focus on the root cause and how to manage to solve with dispute.
3. The Court meditator have applied the Buddhist principles into the reconciliation process. To effectively resolve the dispute, there are 4 steps; 1) Dispute analysis, 2) Gaining trust, 3) Creating peace, and 4) Creating harmony. Based on Buddhist Principle for Mediation, meditators should look for the root of clause of the conflicts of disputes and then, solve that. The way to use Buddhist Principle could help to alleviate and would lead disputes to have the right thought to mutually solve their problem together.

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How to Cite
Sreeyaphai, S. ., Chachikul, P. ., & Uthaphun, P. . (2022). An Analytical Study of applying Buddhist Principle for Reconciliation of Mediators in Khon Kaen Provincial Court. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(1), 139–152. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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