The Impact on New Normal Communities of the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation in Chaiyaphum Province

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Soonthorn Panyapong
Sunan Sripai
Anchalee Chaisri
Thassanaiyawan Doungmala
Samlan Vanon


The purposes of this research was to study the impact on new normal communities of the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Chaiyaphum Province. The research population was the people living in Chaiyaphum Province. For the quantitative research, the instrument was the questionnaire distributed to 400 households. Data were analyzed by percentage.
The results can be concluded as follows: The impacts on new normal communitiesare as follows. 1) Physical and mental healthimpact: they have stress and anxiety in living life75.75 percent. 2) Economyimpact: the villagers have to stop working or get laid off and gain lower income, and it is difficult in working 73.75 percent. 3) Perception of information and technology impact: they communicate through social media: Having problems with physical and mental health from anxiety 69.75 percent. 4) Society and environmentimpact: family members can get together; the community has changed the form of merit making and tradition activities in the new normal ways 64.75 percent. 5) Educationimpact of online learning causes an increase in the cost of learning materials. Poor families are severely impact: 52.75 percent.

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How to Cite
Panyapong, S. ., Sripai, S. ., Chaisri, A. ., Doungmala , T. ., & Vanon, S. . (2022). The Impact on New Normal Communities of the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation in Chaiyaphum Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(1), 209–220. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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