Structure and process of Dhamma in the Tipitaka: Some contradictions

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Montree Wiwasukh


The objective of this research was to study the opinions of experts on the structure and process ofthe Dhamma in the Tipitaka i.e. Iddhipada, Visuddhi, Magga and Paticcasamuppada. Using the qualitative research method, the data was collected by interviewing nine key informant, qualified monks/laymen; and was analyzed by content analysis.
The results showed that: the views of the experts were divided into 4 groups: 1) agree, 2) partially agree, 3) disagree, and 4) Not sure. Overall, the experts agreed that the structure and process of Visuddhi, Magga and Paticcasamuppada supported the structure and process of individual or horizontal Iddhipada principle, and opposed the relative or vertical one. Exceptionally, the Magga principle was viewed as both supportive and opposing. Thus, the Magga has the most explanatory 8 methods, while the Visuddhi and Paticcasamuppada each has 5 and 4. It was also divided into two levels of explanation, namely Lokiya (mundane) and Lokuttara (supramundane). It showed that without the same spiritual experience, the interpretations of the Buddha’s teaching were different for sure.

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How to Cite
Wiwasukh, M. . (2022). Structure and process of Dhamma in the Tipitaka: Some contradictions. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(1), 167–180. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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