REPRESENTATION Model for Designing Mathematics Instruction

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Duangmanee Ya-Amphan


Mathematical representation is one of the most important skills for supporting students’ Mathematics learning achievements. The objectives of this paper are to present the practical definition of representation and to suggest REPRESENTATION Model derived from reviewing relevant literature and from employing Content Analysis.
REPRESENTATION Model is a creation of 14 new educational terms derived from an analysis of Mathematical Representation forms which discovered by Bruner, Lesh, Goldin and Miura accompanied with psychological theories, learning theories, nature of mathematics, all-inclusive mathematics class components such as teacher and students, and all elements relationships which are used to create REPRESENTATION Model in order to be a guideline for mathematics teachers to design their lesson plans and to manage their mathematics instructions. As a result, the teachers could engage students’ participations and develop mutual communication in their classrooms. Consequently, students in the class could learn meaningful mathematics lessons. Moreover, they could perceive mathematical knowledge and mathematical processes to solve further mathematical problems effectively.

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How to Cite
Ya-Amphan, D. (2022). REPRESENTATION Model for Designing Mathematics Instruction. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(3), 423–436. Retrieved from
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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