Management of Wat Phra That Nong Sam Muen Historic Site of Chaiyaphum Province

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Pitukpong Kangkarn


The objectives of this research were; 1) to investigate management practices of Wat Phra That Nong Sam Muen; 2) to study the conditions of problems and rules of the management of Wat Phra That Nong Sam Muen; 3) to study the factors affecting management practices of Wat Phra That Nong Sam Muen. A qualitative research was this study method. The instruments used to collect data was in-depth interviewed. Data were collected from 32 cases includes, cardinal, local scholars, community and local leader, and village sages. Content analysis and data presentation by description method.
The results are as follows:
1. Management of Wat Phra That Nong Sam Muen Nowadays, the Sangha administrators have developed technology. Integrate with Buddhist principles leading to administration/government along with prosperity and law. Laws, regulations, and various rules come to support the Dharma and Discipline, especially the administration/government of the temple, which has a very different form from the past, such as planning, organizing, personnel management, coordinating, reporting and budgeting have a format that practice more clearly, organizing the management by emphasizing on personnel work, administrative tasks, budgets, organizational work focusing on clear, transparent management, compliance with various regulations
2. Management problems such as historical site that exist in the temple are not thoroughly maintained. A few technology and tools for public relations. The lack of strong community integration results in the relationship between the temple and the community becoming more distant.
3. Factors affecting the managementwere building cooperation with all sectors by establishing a group of local scholars or a young guide to convey the historical stories of tourist attractions and supplementing with green tourism, creating participation of local people in the conservation and development of ancient monuments and provide public relations in various forms.

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How to Cite
Kangkarn, P. . (2022). Management of Wat Phra That Nong Sam Muen Historic Site of Chaiyaphum Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(1), 127–138. Retrieved from
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