A Study of Insulting Expressions and Social Values of the Characters in Popular Thai Soap Opera Scripts in 2019

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Oratai Khanto
Warawat Sriyaphai
Warunya Yingyongsak
Boonyong Ketthet


The purposes of this study were: 1) to study the expressions from insulting expressions of the characters in Thai soap opera scripts, and 2) to study the social values from insulting expressions of the characters in Thai soap opera scripts. The scope of the study were 3TV soap operas, namely: Pu Bao Indy Yayee Inter (Mister Indy Honey Hipster), Sarawat Yai (The Chief Inspector), and Krongkam (The Karma Cage).The study method was selecting the data from the dialogues of every character, then analyzing the data into the descriptive analysis and drawing the conclusion.
The results were as follow:
1. The insulting words from popular Thai soap opera scripts can be categorized into 3 types. There were the use of the insulting language 1) to express a negative abstraction, 2) to express physical ugliness, and 3) to devalue the others. The characteristics of the insulting idioms found in 5 types. There were insulting idioms about 1) behavior and action, 2) abusive speaking manner, 3) ingratitude and sociality with friends and foes, 4) anger, and 5) insult and chastening others about their bad behavior.
2. The social values found in 3 characteristics. The values were about 1) being membership in Thai society’s expectation, 2) foreseeing performance, and 3) the inequality in society.

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How to Cite
Khanto, O. ., Sriyaphai, W. ., Yingyongsak, W. ., & Ketthet, B. . (2022). A Study of Insulting Expressions and Social Values of the Characters in Popular Thai Soap Opera Scripts in 2019. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(3), 13–28. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/252283
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