The Development of Curriculum for Young children Based on Thai Phuan Local Wisdom in Ban Phue District, Udon Thani Province

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Warunya Sribua


The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop a curriculum for young children based on Thai Phuan local wisdom in Ban Phue District, Udon Thani Province and 2) to study its effects a curriculum for young children based on Thai Phuan local wisdom were: 1) to study its effects toward their academic development and self-esteem in of young children 2) A evaluation on the parents' satisfaction towards for the curriculum for young children based on Thai Phuan local wisdom 3) Aevaluation ofearly childhood’s teachers satisfaction towards for the curriculum for young children based on Thai Phuan local wisdom. Research and Development. The sample consisted was 127 young children, 5-6 years old second year kindergarten and the sample obtained using a purposive sampling. The research instruments were: the curriculum for young children based on Thai Phuan local wisdom in Ban Phue District, Udon Thani Province, aevaluation from for academic development and self-esteem for young children and a evaluation satisfaction towards using the Thai Phuan local curriculum. The data were analyzed by percentage and standard deviation.
The research result finds that:
1. The Curriculum for young children based on Thai Phuan local wisdom developed consisted of 6 content groups.
2. Local wisdom and the academic development and self-esteem of the young children, it was found that thecurriculum was congruent of the learners, the contents and activities were suitable for the learners and also promoted all 4 areas of physical development, emotional development, social development and intellectual development and love and pride of local Thai Phuan Ban Phue District, Udon Thani Province. The Parents’ satisfaction towards using the Thai Phuan local wisdom curriculum for early childhood children in Ban Phue District, Udon Thani Province was at a high level. Thai Phuan as a whole is at the highest leveland. The satisfaction of early childhood teachers towards the use of the Thai Phuan Local Wisdom Curriculum was at the highest level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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