Analyzing Elements of Designing Lesson Plans that Focuses on Students’ Ideas in Teaching Practice using Lesson Study and Open Approach to Learn Students’ Ideas

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Rerngnapa Umtawong
Kiat Sangaroon
Sampan Thinwiangthong


The purpose of this research was to analyze the design elements of lesson plans that emphasized students' ideas in teaching practice using Lesson Study and Open Approach to learn students’ ideas. This research is case study that target group is the Lesson Study team at grade 5, that consisted of 4 members, consisting of 2 pre-service teachers and 2 co-observing teachers, semester 2 of the academic year 2020, Chumchon Ban Kaeng Khro Nong Phai School, Kaeng Khro District, Chaiyaphum Province that this was obtained by considering teaching practice using continuous and consistent Lesson Study. The research instruments were files note of lesson plan design, camera, audio recorder and video camera. Data were analyzed using analytical description.
The results showed that: The Lesson Study team together designed a lesson plan that focused on students’ ideas in teaching practice that used Lesson Study and Open Approach to learn students’ ideas have four elements namely; 1) Anticipate students’ ideas by focusing on solving problems in textbooks on their own, distinguish the ideas of problem solving between the teacher's ideas and the student's ideas, and anticipate students' difficulties that will arise from the ideas students use to solve problems; 2) create instruction, design media according to students' ideas by using instruction in textbooks as a guideline for creating instructions; 3) find connections and 4) determine where to observe the student's ideas by determining both the position and the time to be observed in step 2 of the Open Approach.

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How to Cite
Umtawong, R., Sangaroon , K. ., & Thinwiangthong, S. . (2022). Analyzing Elements of Designing Lesson Plans that Focuses on Students’ Ideas in Teaching Practice using Lesson Study and Open Approach to Learn Students’ Ideas. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(2), 97–112. Retrieved from
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