Model of Clergy AdministrationIn dimension Region 9

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Phramaha Phapinyo Phinyorit
Phakdee Posing
Yupaporn Yupas


The purpose of this research were; 1) to study the level of administration in Clergy dimension, region 9, 2) to study the factors affecting the administration in Clergy dimension, region 9, and 3) to establish and confirm the administrative model in Clergy dimension of the region 9. Using a mixed method research the research was divided into 2 phases as follows: Phase 1 was a quantitative research which aimed to study the factors affecting the administration of affairs in the dimensions of Clergy administration, region 9. The sample group consisted of 396 monks in Clergy, region 9. The second phase of research was qualitative research. to create and confirm the model, Related persons: 21 persons with knowledge and experience, 5 persons Use specific randomness The research tool used a semi-structured interview form. Quantitative questionnaire group meeting recording form and a questionnaire confirming the suitability of the administration model in Clergy dimension, region 9.
The results showed that:
1. The overall level of administration in the dimensions of Clergy administration, region 9 was at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.83) when classified by aspects. It was found that the structure of Clergy was at the highest level ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.89).
2. Factors affecting administration in the dimensions of Clergy administration, region 9, namely organization factor (f1), performance factor (f2) and factor of performance results (f3) were statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
3. The administration model in Clergy dimension, region 9 consists of planning, structuring, Personnel positioning, authority, assignment of work accordingly, Cooperate with external agencies performance, report and monitor the performance. To confirm the suitability of the model, it was found that all of the quartiles were less than 1.5, indicating that the model is suitable for building it is a model for administration in the dimensions of Clergy administration, Region 9.

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How to Cite
Phinyorit, P. P. ., Posing , P. ., & Yupas, Y. . (2022). Model of Clergy AdministrationIn dimension Region 9. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(1), 93–104. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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