Development of Learning Packages to Enhance Spelling Skills with Active Learning Processes to Develop Spelling Skills for Grade 1 Students

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Supatcha Sri-iam
Kanreutai Klangphahol


The objectives of this research were 1) Develop a learning package to enhance spelling skills with an active learning process. 2) Comparison of student achievement scores before and after experimenting with the reinforcement learning package to enhance spelling skills with an active learning process. 3) Index the effectiveness of learning by using a learning package to enhance spelling skills with an active learning process. It is a quantitative research.The population were primary school students in the second semester of the 2018 academic year, primary schools under the Pathum Thani Educational Service Area Office 1. The sample were Grade 1 students at Wat Song Phi Nong School 30 people by selective purposive sampling. Research tools were teaching series to enhance spelling skills with an active learning process for primary school students include a learning management plan for learning Thai language, teaching management media Exercises to improve spelling skills, an achievement test before and after using a teaching package to enhance spelling skills with an active learning process. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, and standard deviation t-test.
The research results found that:
1. The learning package enhances spelling skills with an active learning process. For grade 1 students, the efficiency was 81.80/87.33.
2. The academic achievement after school was higher than before. Statistically significant at the .05 level.
3. The Effectiveness Index (E.I) from the learning with the reinforcement learning package spelling matters with an active learning process. For primary school students, the value was 0.6611 or 66.11 percent.

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How to Cite
Sri-iam, S., & Klangphahol , K. . (2022). Development of Learning Packages to Enhance Spelling Skills with Active Learning Processes to Develop Spelling Skills for Grade 1 Students. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(3), 335–348. Retrieved from
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