Development of Paradigm and Leadership of Modern Leaders of Mahamakut Buddhist University

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Phramaha Suphachai Suphakicco (Bootraked)


This research aims 1) to analyze roles and factors affecting the capacity of the administrators of Mahamakut Buddhist University, 2) to develop courses to upgrade the paradigm and capacity of the new leaders and 3) to develop the paradigm and capacity of the new leaders. The research tools used in this study consisted: the training syllabus on developing paradigm and capacity. Statistics used for data analyzing in this study were frequency, percentage, means, average and standard deviation, hypothesis tested with t-test, Descriptive Analysis, Chi-Square Test and Forecasting Equation. The sample group used in the study consisted of 208 staff and temporary workers, in second semester of academic year 2020 from all campuses of Mahamakut Buddhist University. The targeted group of this course for developing paradigm and capacity consisted of 52 administrators including directors of all 3 campuses.
The research result was found:
1. The capacity of the leaders of Mahamakut Buddhist University was overall found at high level. The opinion on roles of the leaders in new paradigm was at high level overall, when on aspects was found strategy placement at the high, followed by use of power on others while the lowest fall on vision perceiving respectively.
2. The result of course assessment was found overall at good level; when considered in aspects, suitability fall at the highest, followed by utilization while the lowest aspect fall on accuracy, respectively.
3. The result of paradigm and capacity development of the new leaders of Mahamakut Buddhist University was found higher than before attending training activities statistically significant at .01.

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How to Cite
Phramaha Suphachai Suphakicco (Bootraked). (2022). Development of Paradigm and Leadership of Modern Leaders of Mahamakut Buddhist University. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(1), 307–318. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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