Teacher Profession Students’ Advanced Competency Development in Composing Songs, Mo Lam Singing, and Phayha Poem Writing Using the Cooperative Learning Management with STAD Technique and Multimedia
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The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop students’ advanced competency in composing songs, Mo Lam singing, and Phayha Poem writing using the cooperative learning management with STAD technique and multimedia to pass the upper high efficiency criterion; 2) to study students’ satisfaction towards composing songs, Mo Lam singing, and Phayha Poem writing using the cooperative learning management with STAD technique and multimedia passing the upper high efficiency criterion. This research was carried out by means of classroom action research according to the preliminary experimental research model, one-group with post-study assessment. The samples consisted of 30 students in the Teacher Professional Certificate Program in the course of ED31203 ‘Foreign Languages and Cultures’. The research instruments consisted of the learning activity management plan, an advanced competency assessment form and a satisfaction assessment form. The obtained data were analyzed using the mean (), standard deviation (S.D.), while the quality results were interpreted according to defined criteria.
The research results were as follows:
1. The development of the students’ advanced competency in composing songs, Mo Lam singing, and Phayha poem writing using the cooperative learning with STAD technique and multimedia in overall could pass the efficiency criterion at the high level ( = 4.44, S.D. = 0.49), and met the setting criterion.
2. The students’ satisfaction towards composing songs, Mo Lam singing, and Phayha poem writing using the cooperative learning with STAD technique and multimedia in overall could pass the efficiency criterion at the high level ( = 4.43, S.D. = 0.44), and met the setting criterion.
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