Work Engagement and Social Partner Support for Smog Problem Solving and Preventing in Chiang Mai Province

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Saengdao Kongjai
Somkit Keawtip
Chalermchai Panyadee
Bongkochmas Ekiem


This quantitative study was conducted to investing: 1) work engagement and social partner support for smog problem solving and preventing in Chiang Mai province and 2) factors having a relationship with work engagement and social partner support for smog problem solving and preventing in Chiang Mai province. The sample group consisted of 257 who were knowledgeable about smog and local administrative organization in Chiang Mai province. In the other words, they were representatives of civil society as well as public and private sectors obtained by purposive sampling. A set of questionnaires was used for data collection and analyzed by using multiple regression.
Results of the study revealed that:
1. The respondents had a high level of work engagement and social partner support for smog problem solving and preventing (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 2.62). This was in terms of the following: 1) enthusiasm in smog problem solving and preventing (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 2.69); 2) dedication to work on smog problem solving and preventing (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 2.67); and 3) attention in smog problem solving and preventing, respectively.
2. Psychological factors had a relationship with work engagement and social partner of the respondents which included 4 variables: 1) motivation to join the social partner group; 2) attitude towards social partner operation; 3) knowledge about smog; and 4) learning experience 0.413, 0.233, 0.128, and 0.012, respectively.

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How to Cite
Kongjai, S., Keawtip, S. ., Panyadee, C. ., & Ekiem, B. . (2022). Work Engagement and Social Partner Support for Smog Problem Solving and Preventing in Chiang Mai Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(3), 387–398. Retrieved from
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