Life Skill and Community-Based Education of Schools in Sai Yoi Sub-District

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Atchara Sriphan


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the main concepts used in school education management in Sai Yoi sub-district and 2) to develop a life skills and community-based educational management model that reflected the learners' way of life in Sai Yoi sub-district, Noen Maprang district, Phitsanulok Province. This research was participatory action research (PAR). Research target groups include 440 representatives from school administrative staffs, teachers, students from 7 schools, community leaders, and other stakeholder groups. Collect data with focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, observations, learning management, multidimensional assessment. This research used focus group question guidelines, non-participant and participant observations, multidimensional learning assessment form. Content analysis was used for data analysis. Triangulation was used to verify the reliability of the study. 
The research results are:
1. The main concept used in Sai Yoi school education management is the community-based education concept. The proposition in education comes from the dilemmas, problems, and community development policies of community leaders. The learning management model is community service learning in extra-curricular activities to improve the quality of life of people in the community. The success factor in educational management is a good relationship between the school and the community in a mutually collaborative approach.
2. The model of educational management based on life skills and community that is consistent with the way of life of the learners is the SAIYOI Model: 1) S = Student Centered; 2) A = Ambitious Plan; 3) I = Information-based operation; 4) Y = Young Spirit); 5) O = Organization for All; and 6) I = Innovation at Heart.

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How to Cite
Sriphan, A. (2022). Life Skill and Community-Based Education of Schools in Sai Yoi Sub-District. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(4), 117–130. Retrieved from
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