Analysis of Astrology Influencing on the Quality of Life of People in Khon Kaen Province

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Apinya Sariphan
Jaras Leeka


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study astrology; 2) to study astrology influencing the quality of life of people in Khon Kaen Province; 3) to analyze astrology influencing quality of life of people in Khon Kaen Province. This study was qualitative research. The data were studied from primary and secondary documents and 35 key informants before being interpreted by the descriptive analysis based on the inductive method.
The research results were as follows:
1. Astrology is a subject that deals with human fortune-telling and phenomena of the world by determining the positions of stars in the sky as a pointer, recorded as statistic data that influences the way of life of human beings. Its content consists of 1) background, 2) meaning, 3) evolution, 4) cosmology, 5) elements of astrology, 6) types of astrology and 7) prohibition.
2. An astrology influenced the quality of life of people in Khon Kaen province in 3 aspects: 1) beliefs, 2) rituals and 3) lifestyles. These three aspects will influence the quality of life in terms of individuals and society.
3. The analysis of astrology was divided into 2 types: 1) Belief: astrology was related to the way of life from birth to death such as naming, finding auspicious times, performing rituals and rituals for the dead including the way of life such as house construction and marriage; 2) Knowledge: (1) rationalism: the cognitive competence of humans in acquiring knowledge, belief and rituals caused by reason that is a continuation of belief in the individual; (2) experimentalism: computational group and forecast group were the group that gained knowledge from experience by taking statistical records and then analyzed for predicting future phenomena.

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How to Cite
Sariphan, A. ., Prakrubhavanaphodhikun, & Leeka, J. . (2022). Analysis of Astrology Influencing on the Quality of Life of People in Khon Kaen Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(2), 113–124. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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