Quality and Learning Organization in the Digital Era

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Kularb Purisarn
Chevin Oonla-or
Sayan Phanoy
Vichien Chiwapimal


This academic article aimed to purpose the development guidelines on learning organizations in digital era in 9 aspects. 1) The guidelines for developing university towards the excellent LO aspects; (1) organization members have high skill and competency in system thinking, (2) joint vision, (3) learn together as a team and 4) innovative design. 2) LO development process In the digital era aspect; (1) analytics, synthesis, planning, systematic design, (2) inspiration, (3) reflection process of development ideas, and (4) complex management potential. 3) Form of goal formulation to formulate a strategic plan and action plan aspect; (1) setting common goal for the whole organization, (2) implementation at the faculty/office level and curriculum, (3) being consistent in terms of policies. 4) The key principles of creating a learning organization in risk management aspect; (1) the principle of fusion of competence, (2) the principle of outward look and (3) the principle of leadership in building intellectual weapons. 5) The index of success for learning organization aspect; (1) ICT inputs, Evaluation Process, (2) Brain Storming, Training, Seminar, Learning Climate and (3) Productivity Research/ Innovation, Network, Knowledge Management. 6) Leadership and Management at all levels that are conducive to learning organizations aspect; (1) Leadership role in leading the organization, (2) Visionary, value, Empowerment, Rewards, Morale. 7) The importance of learning organization and academic goal aspect; (1) developing resources to be a good person, smart and happy, (2) developing creativity and intelligence and (3) developing emotional intelligence. 8) The relationship between the learning organization and the success of the organization aspect; (1) Instructor quality dimension, (2) Curriculum quality standard dimension and (3) Teaching method dimension and 9) The relationship linking the learning organization with organizational health aspect; (1) healthy organization; and (2) imperfect organization.

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How to Cite
Purisarn, K., Oonla-or, C. ., Phanoy, S. ., & Chiwapimal, V. . (2023). Quality and Learning Organization in the Digital Era. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(1), 277–292. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/254464
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